
Webinar 4: 'Working with trauma memories'

Was £25.00

Do we need to remember our trauma in order to recover from it? Do we have to talk about it, or is it best not to, to avoid being retraumatised? What about traumatic or dissociative amnesia? How do you heal if you can’t even properly remember what happened?

Join me as I look at how to process and metabolise traumatic memory safely and effectively, and how to resolve the ‘corruption of memory’ that being traumatised represents.

“As always, the content was so relevant and delivered at a great pace.  Carolyn, the personal experiences you bring to the training, allowing us to hear how it is for you to process and live with your trauma, is by far the most valuable learning for me. Thank you.”

“A brilliant and informative session of how to work with trauma memories and some really foundational learning that we have to make clients feel safe. Thank you for providing this and all the other webinars. I’ve already used this learning with students that I support at a FE college and the outcomes have been brilliant for them and helped me to understand how they are feeling and support them in a more effective way.”

“Perhaps the best CPD I’ve done (and I’ve done a lot of CPD …)”

“So comprehensive – am already introducing some of the concepts and approaches in my day to day work with clients.”

“The webinar was excellent. The pace is always so good with Carolyn and she provides clear explanations free of jargon that are incredibly useful.”

“If I wrote everything here that was wonderful about this webinar it would go on and on! So instead I’m just going to say that as a dissociative trauma survivor who has worked with a ridiculous number of therapists/practitioners, it’s been extraordinary for me to watch this webinar and realise what I really need to heal. It’s helped take the shame out of my having worked with so many without finding recovery, while also giving me such a clear roadmap in terms of what I need to look for in a therapist. I have seen the patterns I’ve been running with therapy essentially re-enacting my childhood challenges, seen why I’ve gravitated towards therapists with a style that isn’t really what I need, and have the courage to try again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for such rich content, for your clarity, and your compassion.”

Course includes:

  • Available instantly upon purchase
  • 60-90 minute presentation plus 60-90 minute follow-up Q&A recording
  • 2.5 hours of CPD with certificate upon completion
  • Downloadable resources and additional reading for a comprehensive learning experience
  • Full transcript
  • Videos available to stream or also downloadable for offline viewing
  • Lifetime access
  • Start/stop and return as often as you like
  • Easy to use: only needs a web browser

Individual licence only: for multiple users and information about discounts for organisations, please click here.

Standard therapy is largely based on the assumption that as clients we know what has happened in our lives, that we can deliver a relatively coherent narrative about it, and that we may even be able to articulate how we feel about it. All of that breaks down after trauma, where memory systems in the brain go offline during life threat, resulting in full or partial amnesia. We may also have a strong sense of unreality or denial about what happened to us, and our emotions may be stuck on zero or ten.

So what’s the answer?

  • How do we recover if we can’t even remember?
  • How do we heal from the effects of trauma so overwhelming that it has left us with a ‘corruption of memory’ – either too much (flashbacks) or too little (amnesia)?
  • What about so-called ‘false memories’? What about ‘body memories’?
  • Is it really possible to recover from trauma when traumatic memories are either too hot to handle or hurt so much they’re hidden?

This is the basis for what I’ll be looking at in episode 4 of our webinar series ‘Working with Trauma’. I will explain the nature and function of traumatic memories and combine the latest neuroscience research with my own narrative of resolving trauma memories in my journey towards recovery.

These on-demand webinars are aimed at counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists and all other mental health professionals (including trainees), or anyone working with survivors of trauma. They may also be of interest and relevance to survivors of trauma themselves.

To see the full series, please click here.

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