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Trauma Recovery Community

Helping you to help your clients recover from trauma via a monthly membership and training group for professionals

What is this?

The Trauma Recovery Community provides training, live interactive Q&As, discussion groups, resources and a community of professionals dedicated to working compassionately, ethically and effectively with complex trauma survivors.

Watch the video from Carolyn to learn more.

And when you’re ready, click the ‘Apply now’ button.

Who is this for?

The TRC is for counsellors, therapists and other mental health professionals working with complex trauma survivors, as well as counselling students in training.

It’s for you if:

  • you’re looking for high-quality, relevant, applicable training on trauma and associated subjects
  • you want to be supported in your work and have a place to belong
  • you’d like access to a range of free resources to download and use with clients
  • you want bespoke guidance on how to work safely, ethically and effectively with clients with a history of complex trauma – without either retraumatising your clients, or becoming traumatised yourself
  • you’d like to join a community of like-minded professionals supporting each other in this vital and challenging work.

Why the Trauma Recovery Community?

Because working with complex trauma requires a blend of knowledge, skills and support.

For over a decade I’ve worked one-to-one with trauma therapists all over the world, many of whom have faced similar challenges: profound stuckness in the work, serious pressures on holding the therapeutic frame, and secondary trauma. I’ve been struck at how so many have fallen into the same pitfalls, faced the same challenges, and made the same mistakes. What happened to one has happened to almost all of them. And what they all said was that they wished they had had support, training and input earlier.

The Trauma Recovery Community (TRC) is going to provide that support and training. It’s going to be a network and community of trauma-focused professionals where we take the training to a deeper level (implementing it, not just ‘knowing’ it), provide support for one another, and really dig deep into how best to help people recover from trauma in a way that is ethical, effective, and safe for all involved.

What can you expect from the Community?

There are three key elements:

We’re going to make the complex simple

We’ll do this by delivering trauma training that blends the latest neuroscience research and the latest clinical literature with the direct experience of the survivor.

We’ll help you understand what trauma is, how it affects the brain and body, why we get stuck in it, and what to actually do to recover from it.

We’ll also look at the pitfalls of working with trauma, how it impacts upon and is impacted by attachment dynamics, as well as specialist subjects such as sexual assault, child sexual abuse, suicide and self-harm, dissociation, mental health, neurodiversity and much, much more.

We’re going to connect the isolated

Working with trauma can be incredibly lonely and isolating. This Community will therefore provide the professional and peer support and connection that is needed to weather the storm of trauma work so that you can stay regulated and in the green zone, whilst learning from others and in turn supporting others.

In healing from trauma, we need the support and connection of other human beings – this Community will aim to provide that (with your help!)

It will be a place that’s compassionate, curious and caring, and focused on reversing adversity in the lives of your clients.

We’re going to put the theory into practice

We’ll answer questions such as:

  • ‘What do you actually DO in the therapy room?’
  • ‘Which interventions are helpful, which are unhelpful, when and why?’
  • ‘How do you work with trauma without retraumatising or being traumatised yourself?’

We’ll put the theory into practice, work through the real-life dilemmas and complexities of trauma work, and break it down so that it’s not just theoretical knowledge, but applied. We’ll make it gritty, real, authentic, and immediately useful with every client you work with in every session.

What we will provide

  • Training and resources to make the complex simple – access to all of Carolyn’s current courses and resources, plus immediate access to all new training as it’s released during each month
  • Live Zoom ‘implementation sessions’ to apply the theory in practice, with breakout rooms to support discussion and relationship-building
  • Live Q&A Zoom sessions at varying times in the week (to facilitate people with different schedules and/or in different timezones) where you can bring your questions on any aspect of trauma recovery
  • Recordings of all live sessions in case you miss them
  • An ‘Unshame’ book club/training where we work through one chapter a week of Carolyn’s book, discuss and it use it as a platform to further look at what actually goes on in a therapy session, the pitfalls to avoid and the interventions to use
  • Networking and referral opportunities, where you can develop relationships and supportive networks with others
  • New resources, articles, podcasts etc being published on a regular basis
  • Specific spaces and sessions for students as well as for the fully qualified
  • A safe, vetted environment
  • More features, groups, and opportunities as the Community develops (based on what YOU want and will find helpful) – possible options include:
    • training and input on the business side of a therapy practice (tech, websites, marketing, finance);
    • a public register of therapists with availability for clients;
    • in-person masterclasses and events;
    • ‘cohort training’ – small group opportunities for people who want to work through training material with a cohort of others.

Want to see what I’m talking about?

When, where and how?

The platform is website and app-based and therefore available 24/7: the recorded training and resources are there whenever you want them.

We’ll run our live sessions on Zoom at different times of the day and week (based on UK time) to try to facilitate as many people as possible joining.

Most weeks there will be at least two available live sessions, and we will endeavour to make the recordings available as soon as possible afterwards.

We’ll poll members regularly to find the best days and times, so you’ll be able to influence the schedule once you join.

If you’re an introvert and/or prefer not to be on camera, there’s no requirement to be so! And if interacting with others on Zoom isn’t your thing, all sessions and all training can be accessed asynchronously. We’re confident that there will be something for everyone!

When are the next few live sessions?

As well as the live Zoom meetings and recordings, you will have access to a brand new web platform (including a mobile app), which will provide an easy-to-navigate environment where you can easily access:

  • Carolyn’s new training as it’s released (not available anywhere else)
  • a library of ALL of Carolyn’s existing 8 online courses and 4 webinars (over 60 hours of training)
  • a collection of over 40 psychoeducational posters for download
  • the ‘Unshame’ book club/training with the written and audio versions of the book, reflection questions and monthly live discussion session
  • a wide range of other resources including podcasts and explainer articles
  • discussion forums
  • networking and referral opportunities.

You’ll have access to all of this while you remain a member.

We’re really excited for you to see all that we have in store – it brings together everything we have to offer in one place and allows member interaction for the first time.

Costs and commitment

The cost is £50.00 per month (inc VAT) for counsellors, psychotherapists and other mental health professionals.

This is the average cost of one client session per month, and can be set against tax if you fall under self-assessment arrangements with HMRC.

For students with validated status on a counselling course, the cost is reduced to £30.00 per month (inc VAT) for the duration of their course.

Discounts are available for groups and organisations – please get in touch. We can also make arrangements with you if your employer agrees to pay.

There’s no long-term commitment – if you don’t find it useful, you can leave at the end of the month you’ve paid for.

We believe that you’ll find it incredible value for money once you see what’s on offer and we hope to build a community of professionals committed to their personal and professional development and that of their peers.

What do people say about my training?

Still have questions?

We love questions! Please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you ASAP. (But please don’t use this form to actually apply – please instead click the ‘apply’ button, which will take you to a form to fill in with the info we need. Thank you!)

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